FRF / SGO / BIN Conversion

FRF 2 BIN , SGO 2 BIN Conversion Service.

FRF to BIN , SGO to BIN Conversion Service

ODX to BIN Conversion Service

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2 Items

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  1. BIN to SGO / BIN to FRF File Conversion
    BIN to SGO / BIN to FRF File Conversion

    We can convert most of the DSG Gearbox files FROM BIN to SGO / FRF.
    DSG - BIN to SGO / BIN to FRF File Conversion.

  2. SGO / FRF to BIN File Conversion
    SGO / FRF to BIN File Conversion

    We can convert most of the DSG Gearbox files FROM SGO / FRF to BIN .
    DSG - FRF to BIN / SGO to BIN File Conversion

    IF you need BIN to SGO / FRF Please use the contact form. This service is ONLY FOR FRF / SGO to BIN and NOT the other way around.

    Some DSG Files can also be converted BACK TO FRF / SGO !
    If you need BIN to FRF / SGO Please let us know by the contact form.

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